Facial Landmarks

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Input - Click on the “+” button in the video player and upload a decent resolution video with less than 40mb.
Output - Provides an image or a video with 68 face landmarks points drawn on the face and their coordinates over a time in JSON format.
Note: Upload the appropriate video for optimal performance. Video that doesn't relate to the model might provide you unexpected results

Through radical computer vision techniques, the facial points of a person’s face are tracked to predict and track behaviours over the time. In the example of a facial-landmark applied on a human face, facial landmarks are a face geometry solution that estimates (x,y) location of 68 2D landmarks for each detected face in an image or a video. These key points can be used to determine a person's identification to emotions. The application draws points on detected faces and semantically links them in real time.

The facial landmarks are becoming more and more prominent intermittently to understand human psychology and their behaviours in public or private places, few countries have started identifying their citizens at various checkpoints and tracking their activities.

Use Cases

Human Emotion Classification, Human Attention Recognition, Identification, Medical Face Alignments, Other Medical Conditions.

API Request and Response

TensorGo Platform provides you with a one stop solution to customize the our API offerings as per your use case by mixing and matching the existing APIs or requesting for a new custom model. This accelerates the development of use cases with minimal or no code towards deep learning applications.


API Endpoints

#For Getting the API KEY
#(Registration Not Required)
#Enter the email ID to get the api key.
#The api key will be valid for 2 hours only.#
	 {“msg”:”Key has been sent to your email”}

#For Uploading
#Enter the api key which you have received in
#the email to access any of the below API. The api key should be
#added in the header with name “key”

#For uploading video or image.
	        ‘app': ”Name of the app”
             	“file”:”Attached File”

#You have to enter the above ID in order to download
#the video or file in the download api. If it’s a image file
#then you will directly receive the infrared image link

#For uploading video link
              “link”:”video Link” -> 

#For uploading video rtsp link
“link”:”video Link” ->

#For Downloading
#Enter the ID which you have received in response
#to use any of the below API. It should be added in the query
#with the name “id”. Enter the app name which you
#have selected while uploading the video,
#to use any of the below api and It should be added
#in the query with the name “app”.

#Download the inferred video:
[URL]?app=”app name”&ID=”ID received”

#Download the csv file:
[URL]?app=”app name”&ID=”ID received”
#File Upload
import requests
with open(“File Location”, 'rb') as f:
     headers = {“key”: “*******”})
#Response →  {“msg”:”Key has been sent to your email”}

#Video Link
#Enter the key that you have received in mail
data={'app':'facialLandmarks',”link”:”Video Link”},
headers = {“key”: “xxxxxxx”})
#Response→ {“msg”:”Some Random ID”}

#Video RTSP Link
#Enter the key that you have received in mail
data={'app':'facialLandmarks',”link”:”Video RTSP Link”},
headers = {“key”: “xxxxxxx”})
#Response→ {“msg”:”Some Random ID”}

#Video Link for Download
#Enter the key that you have received in mail
#Enter the id that you have received in response while uploading
params={“id”:{ID Received},”app”:'facialLandmarks'},
headers = {“key”: “xxxxxxx”})
#Response→ {“videoLink”:”Video Link for downloading”}

#CSV Link for Download
#Enter the key that you have received in mail
#Enter the id that you have received in response while uploading
params={“id”:{ID Received},”app”:'facialLandmarks'},
headers = {“key”: “xxxxxxx”})
#Response→ {“fileLink”:”CSV Link for downloading”}
//File Upload
var form = new FormData();
form.append('app', 'facialLandmarks');
form.append('file', files[0]);
fetch({URL}, {
  method: 'POST',
  body: form,
  headers: {
     “key”: “xxxxxxx”
//Response →  {“msg”:”Key has been sent to your email”}
//You’ll receive a key in in your mail

//Video Link
//Enter the key that you have received in mail
body: {“app”:'facialLandmarks'},
headers: {
      “key”: “xxxxxxx”
//Response→ {“msg”:”Some Random ID”}

//Video RTSP Link
//Enter the key that you have received in mail
body: {“app”:'facialLandmarks'},
    headers: {
    “key”: “xxxxxxx”
//Response→ {“msg”:”Some Random ID”}

//Video Link for Download
//Enter the key that you have received in mail
//Enter the id that you have received in response while uploading
  id={ID Received}&app=facialLandmarks”},{
    headers: {
     “key”: “xxxxxxx”
//Response→ {“videoLink”:”Video Link for downloading”}

//CSV Link for Download
//Enter the key that you have received in mail
//Enter the id that you have received in response while uploading
  id={ID Received}&app=facialLandmarks'},{
    headers: {
    “key”: “xxxxxxx”    }}
//Response→ {“fileLink”:”CSV Link for downloading”}

#File Upload
curl -X 'POST' \
  '{URL}' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  -F 'file={File Attached}' \
  -F 'app=facialLandmarks’
#Response →  {“msg”:”Key has been sent to your email”}
#You’ll receive a key in in your mail

#Video RTSP Link
#Enter the key that you have received in mail
curl -X 'POST' \
  '{URL/link}' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  -H 'key: xxxxxxxx' \
  -F 'url={Video RTSP Link},' \
  -F 'app=facialLandmarks'
#Response→ {“msg”:”Some Random ID”}

#Video Link
#Enter the key that you have received in mail
curl -X 'POST' \
  '{URL/videolink}' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  -H 'key: xxxxxxxx' \
  -F 'url={Video Link},' \
  -F 'app=facialLandmarks'
#Response→ {“msg”:”Some Random ID”}

#Video Link for Download
#Enter the key that you have received in mail
#Enter the id that you have received in response while uploading
curl -X 'GET' \
  '{URL/downloadLink/video/ + ”?
   id={ID Received}&app=facialLandmarks”}' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'\
  -H 'key: xxxxxxxx' 
#Response→ {“videoLink”:”Video Link for downloading”}

#CSV Link for Download
#Enter the key that you have received in mail
#Enter the id that you have received in response while uploading
curl -X 'GET' \
  '{URL/downloadLink/output/ + ”?
   id={ID Received}&app=facialLandmarks”}' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'\
  -H 'key: xxxxxxxx' 
#Response→ {“videoLink”:”Video Link for downloading”} 
//File Upload
$cf = new CURLFile($files);
$curl = curl_init(URL);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, URL);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, ['upload' => $cf]);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('key': '********'));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$data =
  'app': 'facialLandmarks'
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
//Response →  {'msg':'Key has been sent to your email'}
//You'll receive a key in in your mail

//Video Link
//Enter the key that you have received in mail
$curl = curl_init(URL/videolink);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL,URL/videolink);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('key': '********'));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$data =
  'app': 'facialLandmarks'
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

$resp = curl_exec($curl);
//Response→ {'msg':'Some Random ID'}

//Video RTSP Link
//Enter the key that you have received in mail
$curl = curl_init(URL/link);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL,URL/link);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('key': '********'));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$data =
  'app': 'facialLandmarks'
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

$resp = curl_exec($curl);
//Response→ {'msg':'Some Random ID'}

//Video Link for Download
//Enter the key that you have received in mail
//Enter the id that you have received in response while uploading
$curl = curl_init(URL/downloadLink/video);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL,URL/downloadLink/output);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('key': '********'));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$data =
  'app': 'facialLandmarks',
  'id': '{ID Received}'
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

$resp = curl_exec($curl);
//Response→ {'videoLink':'Video Link for downloading'}

//CSV Link for Download
//Enter the key that you have received in mail
//Enter the id that you have received in response while uploading
$curl = curl_init(URL/downloadLink/output);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL,URL/downloadLink/output);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('key': '********'));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$data =
  'app': 'facialLandmarks',
  'id': '{ID Received}'
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

$resp = curl_exec($curl);
//Response→ {'fileLink':'CSV Link for downloading'}