Changing the norms with Augmented Intelligence.

Our intelligent systems are highly adaptive and assist human capabilities to produce phenomenal synergies and unleash groundbreaking changes.

We at TensorGo are building Cognitive systems with Deep Learning and Computer Vision which act as enablers for human potential and take it to the next level. We use different frameworks such as Tensor flow, Pytorch, Keras, Nvcaffe to achieve the desired results.

Augmented Intelligence

Enhance human potential

Capitalizing on a wide range of possibilities that exist in the realm of AI, we develop cutting edge solutions that enhance human capabilities and build a smarter world. Our team banks on predictive analysis and intense data management to understand complex systems and come up with innovative models on automation.
Augmented Intelligence, also referred to as Intelligence Augmentation (IA), enhances human intelligence to perform tasks even better and faster while using Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques.
The idea is to not look at Artificial Intelligence as a replacement for Human Intelligence and that’s why industry experts have come up with the term ‘Augmented Intelligence’ which shall use AI techniques to enhance and augment human capabilities.

Augmented Intelligence envisages a world where Artificial Intelligence is a tool to supplement rather than replace the employees at a business, thereby allaying fears of machines taking over human beings. Scientists are devising visionary ways to combine man and machine (AI) to make humans hyper smart.

Augmented Reality

Simulated experience

Adding to the reality in front of us, AR is a new age technology that superimposes computer generated pictures, sounds and content on the user’s real time view, thus creating a rich and interactive experience. AR is becoming increasingly popular because it creates an augmented version of reality, becoming a middle ground for virtual and real world. AR is being used extensively to achieve maximum customer satisfaction and heightened revenues by major companies from diverse industries such as consumer durables to FMCG.

The current value of the AR market stands at $3.5 billion and it is projected that by the year 2020, there should be 1 billion AR users. Seventy per cent of consumers believe AR can bring them benefits while 67% of media planners and buyers want AR/VR ads in digital marketing campaigns.

Virtual Reality

Interactive experience

Immersing the viewer into the virtual world, VR creates a computer generated environment that is interactive, educational and fun. It is being used by the government to train its military in combat specific scenarios and also in the gaming industry in order to take the gaming experience to the next level. VR applications can be extensively used in sectors including Entertainment, Health care, Space, Museums, Automotive manufacturing and Education

The global AR and VR market is expected to grow to $209.2 billion by 2022. Global VR video gaming revenues are expected to reach $15.1B in 2019. Demand for standalone VR devices will grow over 16 times between 2018 and 2022.

At TensorGo, we build next level AR applications such as Indoor Navigation System, AR games and Hologram projection. We have experts who can develop complex AR as well as VR applications and devise a wide range of solutions.

  • XR commerce
  • Manufacturing
  • Tourism
  • Transportation
  • Gaming and entertainment
  • Military
  • Construction and realestate
  • XR - sales and services
  • Social interaction
  • Life sciences education
  • Healthcare practice
  • Industrial design

Extended Reality with AI

Immersive experience

Extended Reality refers to all real and virtual environments generated by computer graphics and wearables. The X in XR is simply a variable that can stand for any letter. XR is the umbrella category that covers all the various forms of computer altered reality including Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and Virtual Reality.

Using the combination of AR and VR here at TensorGo, we create state-of-the-art XR applications.